Anyone in the know will tell you to regularly update your website for good Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). If you’re stuck for ideas on what to write about, read on. We’re going to take a quick look at a few popular types of written or video content and how they could benefit your customers and your website performance.
What is a blog and how do you create one?
Blogging involves creating a regular series of articles for your website on a topic that would be of interest to your customers. You can keep a journal, get creative or simply focus on the facts and keep your customers informed. The key here is that your blogs are of interest to your customers, not just selling your products or services. Vlogging is doing the same thing but in video format instead.
Think about topics that connect to your products and services or are relevant to your target audience. Content can be focused on tools, tips, and further knowledge. Always remember to include keywords to benefit your search performance.
What is a case study and how do you create one?
A case study is like a long form testimonial. It’s effectively a story that you create to tell future customers how existing customers or partners are interacting with your product or service.
Case studies are a powerful way to demonstrate the benefits of choosing your business by sharing someone else’s experience. Add additional value by focusing your case study topics on areas that differentiate you from the competition. Remember to tell a real story and include lots of quotes from happy customers.

How can you use content to grow customer interactions with your product?
Using content that demonstrates more ways to use your product or service is a great way to increase your sales and keep existing customers coming back to your website for more information. It’s also great material for social media.
These types of content are usually tips and tricks on different ways to use your product or service – such as recipes, a how-to guide, or even expert videos or articles that demo your product or service in action.
How do you tell customers what you do?
One simple way to keep the content on your website up-to-date is to regularly revisit the information you’re sharing. Keeping product or service information fresh could include updates on pricing, information about any service changes or product enhancements, or sharing latest news that gives customers insight into where your business has been recently and what you’ve been doing.
Top Tip: Don’t forget to keep an eye on your About page and make sure you’re keeping dates, team members, and important facts about your business up-to-date.
What’s a quick and easy way to update your content?
Not everyone has time to spend on writing and recording content for their website. If your business is not ready to invest in a content expert, why not add a social feed to your website instead? If you’re already updating your social feed on a regular basis then this is a great opportunity to ‘kill two birds with one stone’.
Although a social feed doesn’t register as new content from an SEO perspective, it does give your customers the impression that information is being regularly updated. Then, monthly, you can dip into your feed and turn your favourite posts into a quick news article on what’s been happening in your business. You can even email this direct to your customers to make sure they’re in the loop with any developments or exciting news.
Keeping the content on your website up-to-date doesn’t need a big investment or take a lot of your time, but it is important for your SEO. If you want your website to perform well in search, you need to keep it current and fresh.
These different types of content offer some simple solutions that make it easy to add frequent new content to your website. If you would like help generating content topics, building a content plan, or writing content: contact caddie.