How do I build my first website?

Building a website is easier than you think. Explore our hitlist of what you will need and you’ll make smooth-sailing of creating your first website – whether you’re doing it alone or working with a web developer.

What do you need to create a website?

If you’ve started up a business and you’re ready to get online, you might be ready to build a website. Some businesses start by being present on social media and move to a website once they’re ready. Others find that social media doesn’t fulfil their needs and they want to have a website from the start.

Whichever path you’ve taken, if you’re ready to create a website then here’s an easy reference checklist of what you will need.

1. A logo

A logo is an image, text, or a combination of both that represent your business name and purpose.

You will need a logo to create your website because it’s important to share the identity of your business. You’ve probably already created a logo as part of the business set up so it should be easy to include on your website.

2. A site map

A site map is a list or visual representation of every page on a website that shows the hierarchy and relationship between the pages.

A site map is your opportunity to think about how your customers will navigate through your website, what information they will be looking for, and how you will get them to the right place – such as a purchase or an enquiry about a service or product. A site map sets out the structure of the pages of your website and makes it clear what information will be on each page.

3. Written content

Written content is the words you use on your website to communicate with your audience.

Written content is how you will tell your customers how your business can solve their problems, what benefits your business offers to them, and why they should choose you when they’re ready to make a purchase or sign up for a service.

You can create your own written content or pay for a professional to write your content for you. Investing in content is often a smart choice as a professional content writer can help you effectively tell your story while making sure you include keywords and phrases that will help your SEO performance.

4. Photography (and videos)

Visual content is an important part of telling your story. You can choose to take your own photographs or videos, use free stock photography, purchase stock photography, or hire a professional photographer to take photos for you.

The more personalised your photography, the better the job it will do of setting you apart from the competition and sharing what you do. However you choose to source your visual content, it’s important to make sure it’s of a high enough quality/resolution to make an impact when it’s displayed on the screen.

5. Trust

Testimonials are quotes from customers that demonstrate a positive experience they have had with your business.
Case studies are written, video or audio content where a customer explains how your business has been able to help them solve a problem or address a need effectively.

Testimonials and case studies are a valuable tool for new businesses launching online as they help new and potential customers trust that your business can deliver on its promises. Having the right security on your website adds to this trust and helps customers to know that your business is genuine and has been verified.

6. Platform

A platform is the customisable software or technology within which digital content or services like applications, websites or other digital products are created or managed.

Choosing the right platform for your website is one of the most important decisions you will make as you set up your business online. You should choose a platform that will suit your business now, and allow your website to evolve and grow in the future to match your business growth.

DIY Platforms offer a quick and cost effective solution to set up a website but will tie you to one provider for the life of that website. Providers like Wix and Squarespace effectively own the platform and rent it to you, putting them in control of your website’s future. DIY websites can also struggle to deliver when it comes to uniqueness, personalisation and search engine performance.

Website Developers tend to specialise in specific platforms and will help you identify the best platform for the functionality you want on your website. Building on these platforms will give you ownership of your website, but it’s important to steer clear of more obscure platforms that could tie you to one developer and limit your options in the future.

Popular platforms like WordPress and Shopify offer more choices when it comes to supporting your website growth and evolution, and being able to change agency or developer in the future if you need to.

caddie digital builds websites in WordPress and Shopify, to give you control over your website’s destiny. Want to know more about WordPress? Read our blog: 5 reasons to build your new website with WordPress.

7. SEO tools

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the practice of optimising the set up and content of your website to increase traffic from non-paid search engine sources.

Building your website is only the beginning of the journey your business will take online. To be successful your website needs to be able to attract visitors who are looking for products and services like yours.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is about setting your website up so that Search Engines can see that you’re a match for relevant search queries – whether typed or spoken. This includes identifying keywords and using them correctly in headlines, alt-tags and written content, creating effective meta descriptions, and fulfilling a range of search engine requirements to grow traffic to your site, like security, site speed, and keeping content fresh.

Build your first website with caddie digital

If you’re ready to launch your business online then we’re here to help. caddie digital is based in Hawke’s Bay and Gisborne, supporting businesses across New Zealand with smart, effective website solutions.

Our services are flexible to the level of support you need. We can create content, build your website, and help you grow your traffic on an ongoing basis. If you want to be hands-on with your website then we can provide training and support to help you create your own content, update your website pages, and plan for the future.

Our one-page website solutions are a cost-effective first step to help you enjoy the functionality of your own website on a budget. Our team can help you evolve and grow your website as your business changes. We’re happy to work with your designer or support your marketing agency to deliver the best solution for your business online.

Would you like to know more? Explore our portfolio or connect with our team today to find out how we can help.

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